Initializes the Web3Entry.
function initialize(
string calldata name_,
string calldata symbol_,
address linklist_,
address mintNFTImpl_,
address periphery_,
address newbieVilla_
) external;
Name | Type | Description |
name_ | string | The name to set for the web3Entry character NFT. |
symbol_ | string | The symbol to set for the web3Entry character NFT. |
linklist_ | address | The address of linklist contract to set. |
mintNFTImpl_ | address | The address of mintNFTImpl contract to set. |
periphery_ | address | The address of periphery contract to set. |
newbieVilla_ | address | The address of newbieVilla contract to set. |
This method creates a character with the given parameters to the given address.
function createCharacter(DataTypes.CreateCharacterData calldata vars) external returns (uint256 characterId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.CreateCharacterData | The CreateCharacterData struct containing the following parameters: to : The address receiving the character.handle : The handle to set for the character.uri : The URI to set for the character metadata.linkModule : The link module to use, can be the zero address.linkModuleInitData : The link module initialization data, if any. |
Sets new handle for a given character.
Owner permission only.
function setHandle(uint256 characterId, string calldata newHandle) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The character id to set new handle for. |
newHandle | string | New handle to set. |
Sets a social token for a given character.
Owner permission only.
function setSocialToken(uint256 characterId, address tokenAddress) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The characterId to set social token for. |
tokenAddress | address | Token address to be set. |
Sets a new URI for a given character.
function setCharacterUri(uint256 characterId, string calldata newUri) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The characterId to to be set. |
newUri | string | New URI to be set. |
Sets a given character as primary.
Only character owner can call this function.
function setPrimaryCharacterId(uint256 characterId) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The character id to to be set. |
Grant an address as an operator and authorize it with custom permissions.
Every bit in permissionBitMap stands for a corresponding method in Web3Entry. more details in OP.sol.
function grantOperatorPermissions(uint256 characterId, address operator, uint256 permissionBitMap) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | ID of your character that you want to authorize. |
operator | address | Address to grant operator permissions to. |
permissionBitMap | uint256 | Bitmap used for finer grained operator permissions controls. |
Grant an address as an operator and authorize it with custom permissions via signature.
Only character owner can call.
Every bit in permissionBitMap stands for a corresponding method in Web3Entry. more details in OP.sol.
function grantOperatorPermissionsWithSig(
uint256 characterId,
address operator,
uint256 permissionBitMap,
DataTypes.EIP712Signature calldata signature
) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | ID of your character that you want to authorize. |
operator | address | Address to grant operator permissions to. |
permissionBitMap | uint256 | Bitmap used for finer grained operator permissions controls. |
signature | DataTypes.EIP712Signature | The EIP712Signature struct containing the character owner's signature. |
Grant operators allowlist and blocklist roles of a note.
function grantOperators4Note(
uint256 characterId,
uint256 noteId,
address[] calldata blocklist,
address[] calldata allowlist
) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | ID of character that you want to set. |
noteId | uint256 | ID of note that you want to set. |
blocklist | address[] | blocklist addresses that you want to grant. |
allowlist | address[] | allowlist addresses that you want to grant. |
Sets a new metadataURI for a given link list.
function setLinklistUri(uint256 linkListId, string calldata uri) external;
Name | Type | Description |
linkListId | uint256 | The linklist id to set for. |
uri | string | The metadata uri to set. |
Sets a link type for a given linklist.
Emits a {DetachLinklist} event and a {AttachLinklist} event from web3Entry contract..
Emits a {LinkTypeSet} event from linklist contract.
Linklist is the group of all linking objects with the same link type, like "like".
Each character can only have one linklist for each link type.
It will fail if you try to set a link type which is already set for some linklist owned by the same character.
function setLinklistType(uint256 linkListId, bytes32 linkType) external;
Name | Type | Description |
linkListId | uint256 | The linklist ID to set for. |
linkType | bytes32 | The link type to set. |
Links an address with the given parameters.
function linkAddress(DataTypes.linkAddressData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.linkAddressData | The linkAddressData struct containing the linking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a link action.ethAddress : The address to be linked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format.data : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
Unlinks an address with the given parameters.
function unlinkAddress(DataTypes.unlinkAddressData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.unlinkAddressData | The unlinkAddressData struct containing the unlinking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a unlink action.ethAddress : The address to be unlinked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format. |
Links a character with the given parameters.
function linkCharacter(DataTypes.linkCharacterData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.linkCharacterData | The linkCharacterData struct containing the linking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a link action.toCharacterId : The character ID to be linked.linkType : The link type, like "follow", which is a bytes32 format.data : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
Unlinks a character with the given parameters.
function unlinkCharacter(DataTypes.unlinkCharacterData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.unlinkCharacterData | The unlinkCharacterData struct containing the unlinking parameters: fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a unlink action.toCharacterId : The character ID to be unlinked.linkType : The link type, like "follow", which is a bytes32 format. |
Create a character and then link it.
function createThenLinkCharacter(DataTypes.createThenLinkCharacterData calldata vars)
returns (uint256 characterId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.createThenLinkCharacterData | The createThenLinkCharacterData struct containing the parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a link action.to : The address to receive the new character nft.linkType : The link type, like "follow", which is a bytes32 format. |
Links a note with the given parameters.
function linkNote(DataTypes.linkNoteData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.linkNoteData | The linkNoteData struct containing the linking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a link action.toCharacterId : The character ID of note to be linked.toNoteId : The note ID of note to be linked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format.data : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
UnLinks a note with the given parameters.
function unlinkNote(DataTypes.unlinkNoteData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.unlinkNoteData | The unlinkNoteData struct containing the unlinking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a unlink action.toCharacterId : The character ID of note to be unlinked.toNoteId : The note ID of note to be unlinked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format. |
Links an ERC721 with the given parameters.
function linkERC721(DataTypes.linkERC721Data calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.linkERC721Data | The linkERC721Data struct containing the linking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a link action.tokenAddress : The token address of ERC721 to be linked.tokenId : The token ID of ERC721 to be linked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format.data : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
Unlinks an ERC721 with the given parameters.
function unlinkERC721(DataTypes.unlinkERC721Data calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.unlinkERC721Data | The unlinkERC721Data struct containing the unlinking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a unlink action.tokenAddress : The token address of ERC721 to be unlinked.tokenId : The token ID of ERC721 to be unlinked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format. |
Links any uri with the given parameters.
function linkAnyUri(DataTypes.linkAnyUriData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.linkAnyUriData | The linkAnyUriData struct containing the linking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a link action.toUri : The uri to be linked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format.data : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
Unlinks any uri with the given parameters.
function unlinkAnyUri(DataTypes.unlinkAnyUriData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.unlinkAnyUriData | The unlinkAnyUriData struct containing the unlinking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a unlink action.toUri : The uri to be unlinked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format. |
Links a linklist with the given parameters.
function linkLinklist(DataTypes.linkLinklistData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.linkLinklistData | The linkLinklistData struct containing the linking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a link action.toLinkListId : The linklist ID to be linked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format.data : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
Unlinks a linklist with the given parameters.
function unlinkLinklist(DataTypes.unlinkLinklistData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.unlinkLinklistData | The unlinkLinklistData struct containing the unlinking parameters:fromCharacterId : The character ID to sponsor a unlink action.toLinkListId : The linklist ID to be unlinked.linkType : The link type, like "like", which is a bytes32 format. |
Sets a link module for a given character.
function setLinkModule4Character(DataTypes.setLinkModule4CharacterData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.setLinkModule4CharacterData | The setLinkModule4CharacterData struct containing the parameters:characterId : The character ID to set for.linkModule : The address of link module contract to set.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
Sets a link module for a given note.
function setLinkModule4Note(DataTypes.setLinkModule4NoteData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.setLinkModule4NoteData | The setLinkModule4NoteData struct containing the parameters:characterId : The character ID to set for.noteId : The note ID to set for.linkModule : The address of link module contract to set.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to use, if any. |
Mints an nft with the given note.
function mintNote(DataTypes.MintNoteData calldata vars) external returns (uint256 tokenId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.MintNoteData | The MintNoteData struct containing the minting parameters:characterId : The character ID of the note.noteId : The note ID of the note.to : The address to receive the minted nft.data : The data passed to the mint module to use, if any. |
Sets a mint module for the given note.
function setMintModule4Note(DataTypes.setMintModule4NoteData calldata vars) external;
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.setMintModule4NoteData | The setMintModule4NoteData struct containing the setting parameters:characterId : The character ID of the note.noteId : The note ID of the note.mintModule : The address of mint module to set.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
Posts a note with the given parameters.
function postNote(DataTypes.PostNoteData calldata vars) external returns (uint256 noteId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.PostNoteData | The postNoteData struct containing the posting parameters:characterId : The character ID to post to.contentUri : The uri to set for the new post.linkModule : The address of link module to set for the new post.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to init, if any.mintModule : The address of mint module to set for the new post.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
Set URI for a note.
function setNoteUri(uint256 characterId, uint256 noteId, string calldata newUri) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The character ID of the note owner. |
noteId | uint256 | The ID of the note to set. |
newUri | string | The new URI. |
Lock a note and put it into a immutable state where no modifications are allowed. Locked notes are usually assumed as final versions.
function lockNote(uint256 characterId, uint256 noteId) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The character ID of the note owner. |
noteId | uint256 | The ID of the note to lock. |
Delete a note.
Deleting a note doesn't essentially mean that the txs or contents are being removed due to the
immutability of blockchain itself, but the deleted notes will be tagged as deleted
after calling deleteNote
function deleteNote(uint256 characterId, uint256 noteId) external;
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The character ID of the note owner. |
noteId | uint256 | The ID of the note to delete. |
Posts a note for a given character.
function postNote4Character(DataTypes.PostNoteData calldata vars, uint256 toCharacterId)
returns (uint256 noteId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.PostNoteData | The postNoteData struct containing the posting parameters:characterId : The character ID to post to.contentUri : The uri to set for the new post.linkModule : The address of link module to set for the new post.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to init, if any.mintModule : The address of mint module to set for the new post.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
toCharacterId | uint256 | The target character ID. |
Name | Type | Description |
noteId | uint256 | The note ID of the new post. |
Posts a note for a given address.
function postNote4Address(DataTypes.PostNoteData calldata vars, address ethAddress) external returns (uint256 noteId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.PostNoteData | The postNoteData struct containing the posting parameters:characterId : The character ID to post to.contentUri : The uri to set for the new post.linkModule : The address of link module to set for the new post.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to init, if any.mintModule : The address of mint module to set for the new post.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
ethAddress | address | The target address. |
Name | Type | Description |
noteId | uint256 | The note ID of the new post. |
Posts a note for a given linklist.
function postNote4Linklist(DataTypes.PostNoteData calldata vars, uint256 toLinklistId)
returns (uint256 noteId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.PostNoteData | The postNoteData struct containing the posting parameters:characterId : The character ID to post to.contentUri : The uri to set for the new post.linkModule : The address of link module to set for the new post.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to init, if any.mintModule : The address of mint module to set for the new post.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
toLinklistId | uint256 | The target linklist. |
Name | Type | Description |
noteId | uint256 | The note ID of the new post. |
Posts a note for a given note.
function postNote4Note(DataTypes.PostNoteData calldata vars, DataTypes.NoteStruct calldata note)
returns (uint256 noteId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.PostNoteData | The postNoteData struct containing the posting parameters:characterId : The character ID to post to.contentUri : The uri to set for the new post.linkModule : The address of link module to set for the new post.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to init, if any.mintModule : The address of mint module to set for the new post.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
note | DataTypes.NoteStruct | The target note struct containing the parameters:characterId : The character ID of target note.noteId : The note ID of target note. |
Name | Type | Description |
noteId | uint256 | The note ID of the new post. |
Posts a note for a given ERC721.
function postNote4ERC721(DataTypes.PostNoteData calldata vars, DataTypes.ERC721Struct calldata erc721)
returns (uint256 noteId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.PostNoteData | The postNoteData struct containing the posting parameters:characterId : The character ID to post to.contentUri : The uri to set for the new post.linkModule : The address of link module to set for the new post.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to init, if any.mintModule : The address of mint module to set for the new post.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
erc721 | DataTypes.ERC721Struct | The target ERC721 struct containing the parameters:tokenAddress : The token address of target ERC721.erc721TokenId : The token ID of target ERC721. |
Name | Type | Description |
noteId | uint256 | The note ID of the new post. |
Posts a note for a given uri.
function postNote4AnyUri(DataTypes.PostNoteData calldata vars, string calldata uri) external returns (uint256 noteId);
Name | Type | Description |
vars | DataTypes.PostNoteData | The postNoteData struct containing the posting parameters:characterId : The character ID to post to.contentUri : The uri to set for the new post.linkModule : The address of link module to set for the new post.linkModuleInitData : The data passed to the link module to init, if any.mintModule : The address of mint module to set for the new post.mintModuleInitData : The data passed to the mint module to init, if any. |
uri | string | The target uri(could be an url link). |
Name | Type | Description |
noteId | uint256 | The note ID of the new post. |
Burns a linklist NFT.
It will burn the linklist NFT and remove the links from a character.
function burnLinklist(uint256 linklistId) external;
Name | Type | Description |
linklistId | uint256 | The linklist ID to burn. |
Get operator list of a character. This operator list has only a sole purpose, which is
keeping records of keys of operatorsPermissionBitMap
. Thus, addresses queried by this function
not always have operator permissions. Keep in mind don't use this function to check
function getOperators(uint256 characterId) external view returns (address[] memory);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | ID of your character that you want to check. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | address[] | All keys of operatorsPermission4NoteBitMap. |
Get permission bitmap of an operator.
function getOperatorPermissions(uint256 characterId, address operator) external view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | ID of character that you want to check. |
operator | address | Address to grant operator permissions to. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | Permission bitmap of this operator. |
Get operators blocklist and allowlist for a note.
function getOperators4Note(uint256 characterId, uint256 noteId)
returns (address[] memory blocklist, address[] memory allowlist);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | ID of character to query. |
noteId | uint256 | ID of note to query. |
Query if a operator has permission for a note.
function isOperatorAllowedForNote(uint256 characterId, uint256 noteId, address operator) external view returns (bool);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | ID of character that you want to query. |
noteId | uint256 | ID of note that you want to query. |
operator | address | Address to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bool | true if Operator has permission for a note, otherwise false. |
Returns primary character for a given account.
function getPrimaryCharacterId(address account) external view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
account | address | The address to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | uint256 The primary character ID, which will be 0 if not mapped. |
Returns whether or not a character is primary character.
function isPrimaryCharacter(uint256 characterId) external view returns (bool);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The character ID to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bool | bool True if the character is primary, false otherwise. |
Returns the full character struct associated with a given character token ID.
function getCharacter(uint256 characterId) external view returns (DataTypes.Character memory);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The token ID of the character to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | DataTypes.Character | The full character struct of given character. |
Returns the full character struct associated with a given character handle.
function getCharacterByHandle(string calldata handle) external view returns (DataTypes.Character memory);
Name | Type | Description |
handle | string | The handle of the character to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | DataTypes.Character | The full character struct of given character. |
Returns the handle of character with a given character.
function getHandle(uint256 characterId) external view returns (string memory);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The token ID of the character to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | string | The handle of given character. |
Returns the uri of character with a given character.
function getCharacterUri(uint256 characterId) external view returns (string memory);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The token ID of the character to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | string | The uri of given character. |
Returns the full note struct associated with a given note.
function getNote(uint256 characterId, uint256 noteId) external view returns (DataTypes.Note memory);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The token ID of the character to query. |
noteId | uint256 | The token ID of the note to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | DataTypes.Note | The full note struct of given note. |
Returns the uri of linklist with a given linklist.
function getLinklistUri(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (string memory);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenId | uint256 | The token ID of the linklist to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | string | string The uri of given linklist. |
Returns the token ID of linklist with a given character and linkType.
function getLinklistId(uint256 characterId, bytes32 linkType) external view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
characterId | uint256 | The token ID of the character to query. |
linkType | bytes32 | The linkType. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The token ID of linklist. |
Returns the linkType of linklist with a given linklist.
function getLinklistType(uint256 linkListId) external view returns (bytes32);
Name | Type | Description |
linkListId | uint256 | The token ID of the linklist to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes32 | bytes32 The linkType of given linklist. |
Returns the address of linklist contract.
function getLinklistContract() external view returns (address);
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | address | The address of linklist contract. |
Returns the domain separator for this NFT contract.
function getDomainSeparator() external view returns (bytes32);
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | bytes32 | bytes32 The domain separator. |
Returns the current nonce for owner
. This value must be included
whenever a signature is generated by grantOperatorPermissionsWithSig
Every successful call to grantOperatorPermissionsWithSig
increases owner
's nonce by one. This
prevents a signature from being used multiple times.
function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
owner | address | The owner address to query. |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | uint256 The current nonce for owner . |
Returns the revision number of web3Entry contract.
function getRevision() external pure returns (uint256);
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | uint256 | The the revision number of web3Entry contract. |